Zoom Video Conferencing Mediations and Arbitrations During the COVID-19 Outbreak
By using Zoom online videoconferencing for mediation or arbitration sessions, ADR providers can allay any concerns you may have related to traveling or meeting in person , in light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
We hope this article finds you well, and in good health. At ADR Services, Inc., it is our goal to meet the needs of our clients and truly serve as a Partner in Resolution. With this in mind, if you or your clients have concerns regarding traveling or attending an in-person mediation or arbitration during this troubling time, ADR Services is equipped to offer video conferencing via Zoom Meetings, a state of the art cloud-based video conferencing software, that its clients are welcome to use if personal appearance is not possible. This software can accommodate joint sessions or completely private virtual meeting rooms for separate caucuses.
ADR Services, Inc. is happy to provide and help coordinate this amenity, at no additional cost to its clients. It asks that all participants agree to appearance via videoconferencing in advance of the mediation or arbitration session.
When sheltering in place orders end, ADR Services neutrals remain available to mediate or arbitrate with all parties present, one party present and the other through video conferencing, or with everyone present through video conferencing.
Each participant in a Zoom Meeting should have a late model laptop, desktop or tablet computer or iPhone or Android phone with a built-in web camera and microphone. For an optimum experience, each participant should have a computer with a quad core processor and extra RAM, a strong, secure Internet connection, and should participate in a private room to ensure confidentiality.
When the participants join the meeting, they will be placed in a virtual waiting room and the host will add all participants to the meeting at the same time. Later, if separate caucuses are desired, the host will separate each client and counsel or groups of clients and counsel, into separate virtual caucus breakout rooms for private conversations. All participants can later be rejoined into a joint session if that is desirable. The system allows for the sharing of documents in electronic form on the computer screens for review, and also has markup capabilities. Alternatively, a tablet computer can be attached as a peripheral device and used as an onscreen whiteboard.
Please feel free to contact my case managers, Katy Jones and Tiffany Bugg, to assist you in making arrangements for a mediation or arbitration session. Katy and Tiffany can be reached by email at or .
If we can do anything further to assure your well-being and safety, please let us know. We look forward to hearing from you.